开云·电竞(中国)官方网站是教学科研型学院,从立院起就承担着两大任务:一是完成好全校量大面广的公共基础课教学任务,为全校人才培养提供支撑;二是发展理学,为我校成为真正意义上的理工大学作出贡献。围绕这两大任务,我院始终坚持了“教学为立院之本、科研为发展之路、人才为强院之基”的指导思想,2016 年以来,广大教职工在教学、科研和学科建设等方面开展了积极的工作,取得了可喜的成绩。
1、在岗教师 100%为本科生授课。在岗专任教师师均承担教学工作量 500。广大教师敬业爱岗,无私奉献,受到广泛好评。我院教师课堂教学质量评价平均得分达 91.48 分;多名教师荣获课程教学优秀奖一等奖,二等奖。
3、课程思政指以构建全员、全程、全课程育人格局的形式将各类课程与思想政治理论课同向同行,形成协同效应,把“立德树人”作为教育的根本任务的一种综合教育理念。2019 年,我院积极申报上海高校课程思政领航计划,成功立项为重点改革领航学院,并成功立项4个特色改革领航团队和 22 门精品改革领航课程。为深入推进课程思政教育教学改革,2020 年学院积极申报上海理工大学课程思政示范专业和示范课程,成功立项 2 个示范专业和 22 门示范课程。
4、继续认真落实本科教学教师激励计划,坚持对高等数学、大学物理、概率论与数理统计、线性代数和复变函数与积分变换 5 门课程开展“学习促进坊”活动。为提高学生的学习成绩做了实实在在的工作。
5、组织我校学生参加全国大学数学竞赛,全国大学生数学建模竞赛,美国大学生数学建模竞赛,“理科之星”学科竞赛。有近 500 名学生获得各级奖项。
6、按照教务处关于申请大学生创新(创业)训练计划项目的通知精神,我院积极组织和指导学生申报,同时对申请的项目做好审核工作。我院 3 个专业的学生获上海市创新创业项目 60 余项,校创新创业项目 100 余项。
4、张伏、徐建、汪文军三位老师分别在各自顶级学术期刊SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization、JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS、Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences上发表高水平学术论文。
挖掘躬行实践的新路径,立足于专业特色,让志愿服务精神根植于学生心田。开云·电竞(中国)官方网站团委不断完善长效学习机制、创新学习形式、拓展学习平台、丰富学习内涵,通过服务社会、服务校园、服务学生,提升学生综合素质,2016 年获得“上海市五四红旗团委”荣誉称号,2018 年起年年参与五角场镇公益创投大赛、上海市慈善义工项目获立项。
探索隐形德育的新模式,在艺术工技术的认知体验中涵养社会主义核心发展观。2017 年起,打造“匠心皮影”辅导员工作室、皮影学生社团,形成皮影+校本文化、皮影+党建工作、皮影+志愿服务工作特色,以匠者的视角挖掘红色故事、制作原创作品。学院主办《答案》、《遇见“理”真好》主题晚会,以一个迷茫新生与未来自己的对话,通过一幕幕艺术表演,找寻心中的答案,完美地将育人理念与艺术进行了结合。开云·电竞(中国)官方网站心理剧《谁》以网络暴力导致的心理问题为主题,获评学校一等奖、上海市二等奖。
引领同辈育人的新风气,建立常态化的学生互助平台,优化学风建设。为了提高学业困难学生、退伍大学生的学业成绩,学院创办“深夜课堂”,开展朋辈辅导。自 2018 年起,深夜课堂累计开设课程 38 门,包括数学分析、光学、物理化学等重难点课程,累计参与人数达 160 余人。
College of Science
The history of College of Science of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) can be traced back to the Gezhi (Natural Science) Faculty of the University of Shanghai in 1916. During around a hundred years of development, the Gezhi Faculty was first renamed Basic Teaching Department and was again renamed the College of Science of USST in 2002.
Our college consists of 3 departments: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry; science labs (including professional Physics Laboratories, Mathematics Laboratories, and Chemistry Laboratories); 1 doctoral degree program of Level II academic disciplines: Optoelectronic Physics and Devices; 3 master degree programs of Level I academic disciplines: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry; 8 master degree programs of Level II academic disciplines: Applied Mathematics, Basic Mathematics, Operations Research and Cybernetics, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Condensed Matter Physics, Optics and Theoretical Physics, Green Chemistry Process and Comprehensive Utilization of the Resources, and Chemical Engineering; and 3 undergraduate majors: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, and Applied Chemistry.
At present, our college has 138 faculty members, among whom 124 are full-time teachers, including 16 professors, 42 associate professors, and more than 60 doctoral and master’s supervisors. There are more than 510 master students and more than 630 undergraduates in our college.
In teaching, our college always regards the improvement of teaching quality a top priority and actively researches and practices the reforms of teaching content and method under the background of mass higher education. Thus, we have been able to keep the teaching quality steadily improved. Currently, our college has 4 Shanghai Quality Courses: Higher Mathematics, College Physics, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, and Linear Algebra; and 9 City-level Key Courses: Mathematical Analysis, General Chemistry, Mathematical Physics Equations, Electromagnetics, Higher Algebra, Mathematical Modeling, Optics, Analytical Chemistry, and Numerical Analysis.
Since 2006, our teachers have coached students for China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (CUMCM) and have won 20 second or higher prizes of national level. They have also coached students for Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) of America and won 36 awards. In addition, they have coached postgraduate students for National Post-Graduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling and achieved 226 awards, including 9 first prizes and 89 second prizes. Our college has won the Outstanding Organization Award for 5 consecutive years. Our teachers have won city-level awards of Teaching Achievement and Excellent Teaching Materials several times; many teachers have been awarded Shanghai Teaching Masters, Shanghai Advanced Workers, Shanghai Leading Talents, Shanghai Educating Intellectual Award, and the title of “Good Teacher" chosen by students in USST.
With regard to scientific research and subject construction, our college has made great progress in recent years. Since 2011, our college has got grants of more than 30 National Natural Science Foundation Projects and more than 40 provincial and ministerial level projects. We have published 799 papers, 314 of which are SCI papers, including 38 papers in SCI An1, 72 papers in An2, and 5 papers frequently cited by ESI. The postgraduate education in our college is of high quality. The rate of high-quality papers published by the graduates and outstanding academic papers obtained by the university comes out among the best in the university. Since 2015, 3 papers have been awarded Shanghai Outstanding Master Dissertation.
The Party Committee of our college has been keen on carrying out the “striving for excellence” activities, actively building a learning-oriented and service-oriented party organization, and aspiring to create a college culture of seeking the truth with the utmost scientific spirit(“Ge Wu Zhi Zhi, Li Chong Zhi Zhen”). In recent years, our college has been awarded excellent prize for many times in the department assessments by the university.
After 14 years of construction, College of Science has developed from the original Basic Teaching Department to a teaching-research-type college with a complete training system from undergraduate to doctoral education. Guided by the university’s goal of “constructing high quality undergraduate programs, creating first-rate disciplines, and pursuing the great aim of Top 100 University in China”, College of Science will certainly strive to make greater contributions to the university’s “Double First-rate” construction.