


       李万方, 博士, 副教授, 硕士生导师, 上海市高校青年东方学者。1984年出生于湖北十堰,2013年上海交通大学博士毕业, 2013年至2018年先后在德国、新加坡从事博士后研究工作。2018年底入职上海理工大学, 同年经绿色通道晋升副教授。博士期间入选中国优秀博士生代表团(全国25)参加第63届德国林岛诺贝尔奖得主大会;博士后期间获德国莱布尼兹学会博士后奖学金、第14届国际华人有机化学会议(ISCOC)优秀墙报奖等。主要研究方向为金属催化的有机合成方法学及其在药物合成中的应用, 承担《有机化学》、《现代有机合成》、《金属有机化学》等本科及研究生教学工作, 曾荣获上海理工大学青年教师教学竞赛二等奖。



2003.09—2007.06      南京工业大学,轻化工程,学士,导师:汪海波教授

2007.09—2013.06      上海交通大学,应用化学,博士,导师:张兆国教授

2013.10—2015.09      德国莱布尼兹催化研究所,博士后,导师: Prof. Xiao-Feng Wu; Prof. Matthias Beller

2015.10—2018.04      新加坡国立大学化学系,  博士后,导师:Prof. Yu Zhao

2018.05—2018.11      上海交通大学化学化工学院,研究助理

2018.12—至今         上海理工大学开云·电竞(中国)官方网站化学系,副教授





主要论文与专著 (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2544-1756):1-19

(1) Wanfang Li*; Shun Yu; Jincan Li; Yu Zhao*, Nickel-Catalyzed Allylmethylation of Alkynes Using Allylic Alcohols and AlMe3: A Facile Access to Skipped Dienes and Trienes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2020, 59, 14404–14408.

(2) Jincan Li; Yan Zheng; Mingxian Huang; Wanfang Li*, Ni-Catalyzed Denitrogenative Cross-Coupling of Benzotriazinones and Cyclopropanols: An Easy Access to Functionalized β-Aryl Ketones, Org. Lett.2020, 22, 5020–5024.

(3) Wanfang Li; Bin Lu; Xiaomin Xie; Zhaoguo Zhang*, Ru-Catalyzed Chemo- and Enantioselective Hydrogenation of β-Diketones Assisted by the Neighboring Heteroatoms, Org. Lett.2019, 21, 5509–5513.

(4) Wanfang Li; Jie Kang Boon; Yu Zhao*, Nickel-Catalyzed Difunctionalization of Allyl Moieties Using Organoboronic Acids and Halides with Divergent Regioselectivities, Chem. Sci.2018, 9, 600–607.

(5) Wanfang Li; Bin Lu; Zhaoguo Zhang*, A Decennary Journey towards the Efficient Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Highly Functionalized Ketones, Chem. Rec.2016, 16, 2506–2520.

(6) Wanfang Li; Xiao-Feng Wu*, In Transition Metal Catalyzed Carbonylative Synthesis of Heterocycles; Wu, X.-F., Beller, M., Eds.; Springer International Publishing: 2016; Vol. 42, pp 55–87.

(7) Wanfang Li; Xiao-Feng Wu*, The Applications of (Para)formaldehyde in Metal-Catalyzed Organic Synthesis, Adv. Synth. Catal.2015, 357, 3393–3418.

(8) Wanfang Li; Xiao-Feng Wu*, A Practical and General Base-Catalyzed Carbonylation of Amines for the Synthesis of N-Formamides, Chem. Eur. J.2015, 21, 14943–14948.

(9) Wanfang Li; Xiao-Feng Wu*, N2 Extrusion and CO Insertion: A Novel Palladium-Catalyzed Carbonylative Transformation of Aryltriazenes, Org. Lett.2015, 17, 1910–1913.

(10) Wanfang Li; Xiao-Feng Wu*, Palladium-Catalyzed Carbonylative Sonogashira Coupling between Aryl Triazenes and Alkynes, Org. Biomol. Chem.2015, 13, 5090–5093.

(11) Wanfang Li; Xiao-Feng Wu*, Palladium-Catalyzed Aminocarbonylation of N-Chloroamines with Boronic Acids, Chem. Eur. J.2015, 21, 7374–7378.

(12) Wanfang Li; Xiao-Feng Wu*, Ruthenium-Catalyzed Conjugate Hydrogenation of α,β-Enones by in situ Generated Dihydrogen from Paraformaldehyde and Water, Eur. J. Org. Chem.2015, 2015, 331–335.

(13) Wanfang Li; Xiao-Feng Wu*, Palladium-Catalyzed Carbonylative Synthesis of Benzoxazinones from N-(o-Bromoaryl)amides Using Paraformaldehyde as the Carbonyl Source, J. Org. Chem.2014, 79, 10410–10416.

(14) Wanfang Li; Matthias Beller; Xiao-Feng Wu*, Catalytic Conversion of Aryl Triazenes into Aryl Sulfonamides Using Sulfur Dioxide as the Sulfonyl Source, Chem. Commun.2014, 50, 9513–9516.

(15) Wanfang Li; Haoquan Li; Peter Langer; Matthias Beller; Xiao-Feng Wu*, Palladium-Catalyzed Aminosulfonylation of Aryl Iodides by using Na2SO3 as the SO2 Source, Eur. J. Org. Chem.2014, 2014, 3101–3103.

(16) Wanfang Li; Xiaoming Tao; Xin Ma; Weizheng Fan; Xiaoming Li; Mengmeng Zhao; Xiaomin Xie; Zhaoguo Zhang*, Ruthenium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation of 3-Oxoglutaric Acid Derivatives: A Study of Unconventional Solvent and Substituent Effects, Chem. Eur. J.2012, 18, 16531–16539.

(17) Wanfang Li; Weizheng Fan; Xin Ma; Xiaoming Tao; Xiaoming Li; Xiaomin Xie; Zhaoguo Zhang*, Ru-Catalyzed Hydrogenation of 3,5-Diketo Amides: Simultaneous Control of Chemo- and Enantioselectivity, Chem. Commun.2012, 48, 8976–8978.

(18) Wanfang Li; Xiaomin Xie; Xiaoming Tao; Xin Ma; Weizheng Fan; Xiaoming Li; Zhaoguo Zhang*, RuCl2(PPh3)3-Catalyzed Chemoselective Hydrogenation of β,δ-Diketo Acid Derivatives at the β-Carbonyls, RSC Adv.2012, 2, 3214–3216.

(19) Wanfang Li; Xin Ma; Weizheng Fan; Xiaoming Tao; Xiaoming Li; Xiaomin Xie; Zhaoguo Zhang*, Ru-catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation of 3-Oxoglutaric Acid Derivatives via Solvent-assisted Pinpoint Recognition of Carbonyls in Close Chemical Propinquity, Org. Lett.2011, 13, 3876–3879.





E-mail   lwf@usst.edu.cn