








在乙酰胆碱酯酶仿生体系、有机相酶反应及有机磷检测,葡萄糖非酶电化学传感,镍、磷基电催化剂,电催化产氢等领域的研究取得了一定的成绩。目前已发表SCI论文近70篇,其中一篇在Chemical Reviews(影响因子40)上发表,10余篇论文大于4.0,单篇引用最高200余次,总引用1000余次,1篇论文年度下载前5名。


1. 缪煜清,生物传感器及其军事应用,国防工业出版社 2005

2.  Miao Yuqing*, He Nongyue,Electrodeposited polymers for the development of biosensors, In: Polymericnanosctructures and their applications, Eds. Nalwa, H. S. AmericanScientific Publishers 2006

3. 缪煜清,字母象形记单词-追本溯源学英语,中国科技大学出版社,2012年,ISBN978-7-312-02853-3


1.Yuqing Miao*, Nongyue He and Jun-Jie Zhu.History and new developments of assays for cholinesterase activity andinhibition. Chemical Reviews 110 (2010) 5216-5234(I, IF 40.197)

2.ShanlingXu, Hailong Li, Yuqing Miao, YaqingLiu*, E. Wang*, Implementation of half-adder and half-subtractor with a simpleand universal DNA-based platform. NPG Asia Materials 5 (2013), e76 (I,IF 9.042)

3.Yuqing Miao*, Lei Ouyang, Shilin Zhou, Lina Xu, Zhuoyuan Yang, MingshuXiao, Ruizhuo Ouyang*Electrocatalysis andelectroanalysis of nickel, its oxides, hydroxides and oxyhydroxides towardsmall molecules. Biosens. Bioelectron. 53 (2014), 428-439I, IF 5.602

4.Mingshu Xiao*, Yanping Tian, Yuhua Yan, Kai Feng, YuqingMiao*. Electrodeposition of Ni(OH)2/NiOOH in the presence of ureafor the improved oxygen evolution. Electrochim. Acta. 164 (2015), 196-202I, IF4.086

5.Mingshu Xiao, Yuqing Miao*, Yanping Tian, Yuhua Yan.Synthesizing nanoparticles of Co-P-Se compounds as electrocatalysts for thehydrogen evolution reaction. Electrochim. Acta. doi: 10.1016/j.electacta.2015.03.023, acceptedI, IF 4.086

6.Yuqing Miao*, Zhuoyuan Yang, Xiaoyan Liu,Lina Xu, Lei Ouyang, Yingying Gu, Haizhou Chang, Ruizhuo Ouyang*. Self-assemblyof BiIII ultrathin Layer on Pt surface for non-enzymatic glucosesensing. Electrochim. Acta 111 (2013) 621-626I, IF 4.086

7.Yuqing Miao*, Jiuyang Wu, Shilin Zhou,Zhuoyuan Yang, Ruizhuo Ouyang. Synergistic effect of bimetallic Ag and Nialloys on each other’s electrocatalysis to glucose oxidation. J. Electrochem.Soc. 160 (2013) B47-B53. II, IF 2.59

8.Ying Mu, Dongling Jia, Yayun He, Yuqing Miao*, Hai-Long Wu. Nano NiO modified non-enzymatic glucosesensors with enhanced sensitivity through an electrochemical process strategyat high potential. Biosens. Bioelectron. 26 (2011)2948-2952I, IF 5.602

9.Linfeng Sheng, Jiangtao Ren, Yuqing Miao, Jiahai Wang*, Erkang Wang, PVP-coated graphene oxidefor selective detection of ochratoxin A via quenching fluorescence of freeaptamer. Biosens. Bioelectron. 26 (2011) 3494-3499 I, IF 5.602

10.Jian-GuoGuan*, Yu-Qing Miao, Jian-Rong Chen,Prussian Blue modified amperometric FIA biosensor: one-step immunoassay foralpha-fetoprotein, Biosens. Bioelectron. 192004789-794I, IF 5.602

11.Dongling Jia, Fenfen Li, Linfeng Sheng, Qiaoqiao Ren,Song Dong, Shanling Xu, Ying Mu, YuqingMiao*, Synthesis and assembly of ultrathinfilm of Ni(OH)2 nanoparticles at gas/liquid interface , its highelectrocatalytical oxidation toward bio-thiols and selective determination ofcysteine. Electrochem. Commun. 13 (2011) 1119-1122 (I, IF 4.859)

12.Kai Sun, Jingxia Qiu, Keming Fang, Wangyao Zhang, Yuqing Miao*, Square wave voltammetryassay of organophosphorus inhibition on cholinesterase in two phases ofisooctane/water. Electrochem. Commun. 11 (2009)1022-1025 (I, IF 4.859)

13.Huihui Wang, Shilin Zhou, Zhigang Wang, Shanling Xu, SongDong, Yuqing Miao*. Electrochemical conversion of Ni(OH)2nanoparticle film into nickel hexacyanoferrate through a simple strategy ofpotential cycling. Electrochim. Acta 74 (2012) 201-206I, IF 4.086

14.Miao Yuqing*, Chen Jianrong, Wu Xiaohua, Usingelectropolymerized non-conducting polymers to develop enzyme amperometricbiosensors, Trend. Biotechnol. 22 (2004) 227-231(I, IF 9.148)

15.Dongling Jia,Qiaoqiao Ren, Linfeng Sheng, Fenfen Li, Guanqun Xie, Yuqing Miao*, Preparation andcharacterization of multifunctional polypyrrole-Au coated NiO nanocompositesand study of their electrocatalysis toward several important bio-thiols,Sensor. Actuat. 160 (2011) 168-173 (I,IF 3.898)

16.Yuqing Miao*, Hua Wang, Yuyan Shao,Zhiwen Tang, Jun Wang, Yuehe Lin, Layer-by-Layer assembled hybrid film ofcarbon nanotubes/iron oxide nanocrystalsfor reagentlesselectrochemical detection of H2O2. Sensor. Actuat. B 138 (2009) 182-188 (I, IF 3.898)

17.Jingxia Qiu, Jin Chen,Qianqian Ma, Yuqing Miao*, Development of square wave voltammetry method for the assessment oforganophosphorus compound impact on the cholinesterase of Pheretima with 2,6-dichloroindophenol as a redox indicator. Chemosphere 77(2009) 129-132II, IF 3.206

18.Huihui Wang, Changfa Guo, Shilin Zhou,Xin Hu, Yong Hu, Fenfen Li, Yuqing Miao*. One-stepsynthesis and self-organization of polypyrrole ultrathin films inlayed withPrussian blue nanoparticles induced by a drop of toluene solution on watersurface. Thin Solid Films 520 (2012) 2026-2031 ( III, IF 1.89)





Journal of Green Science and Technology副主编

Frontiers in Analytical Chemistry编委


2006-2010年曾任英国NanomedicineIF: 6.202)编委, 多次为ACS Nano, Analytical Chemistry40余种国际期刊审稿。


1. 纳米电催化与产氢


2. 电分析与生物传感





Email: yqmiao@usst.edu.cn




