






长期从事微分方程理论及应用的教学与研究工作.先后主持上海市教委科研项目3项(青年基金:02GQ24,创新基金:05EZ52,重点项目:10ZZ93,均已顺利结题),参加国家自然科学基金项目4项(编号:19571008, 19871005, 11071164, 11171220)。在国内外重要学术期刊发表论文100余篇,60余篇被SCIEI检索.2012年应邀担任美国的Mathematics Review 评论员,长期为国内外数十个学术期刊担任审稿专家。


上海数学会理事,Mathematics Review评论员





(30) Solvability and numerical simulations for BVPs of fractional coupled systems involving left and right fractional derivatives, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, 2019(with Jia Mei)

(29) The Positive Solutions of Fractional Differential Equation with Riemann-Stieltjes Integral Boundary Conditions, FILOMAT, 2018(with Zhang Xiaohan; Jia Mei, et al)

(28) The method of lower and upper solutions for the general boundary value problems of fractional differential equations with p-Laplacian}, Adv. Difer. Equ., 2018 (with Jia Mei)

(27) The Positive Solutions for Integral Boundary Value Problem of Fractional p-Laplacian Equation with Mixed Derivatives, MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 2017 (with Jia Mei)

(26) The method of lower and upper solutions for mixed fractional four-point boundary value problem with p-Laplacian operator, APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS, 2017 (with Jia Mei; Ge Weigao)

(25) Existence of positive solutions for integral boundary value problems of fractional differential equations on infinite interval, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2017(with Li Xiaochen; Jia Mei, et al)

(24) The positive solutions of infinite-point boundary value problem of fractional differential equations on the infinite interval, ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS, 2017 (with Li Xiaochen; Jia Mei, et al)

(23) Existence of solutions for the integral boundary value problems of fractional order impulsive differential equations, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2016 (with Jia Mei)

(22) Existence and nonexistence of positive solutions for fractional integral boundary value problem with two disturbance parameters, BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS, 2015 (with Wang Xiao; Deng Xuejing)

(21) Nonlocal boundary value problem for fractional differential equations with p-Laplacian, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIEDSCIENCES, 2014 (with Zhi Ertao; Li Fanfan)

(20) Multiplicity of solutions for integral boundary value problems of fractional differential equations with upper and lower solutions, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, 2014 (with Jia Mei)

(19) Existence and uniqueness of the solutions for fractional differential equations with nonlinear boundary conditions, ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS, 2014 (with Li Fanfan, JiaMei)

(18) The Existence of Positive Solutions for Fractional Differential Equations with Integral and Disturbance Parameter in Boundary Conditions, ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS, 2014 (Jia Mei)

 (17) Existence of positive solutions for nonlocal boundary value problem of fractional differential equation, CENTRALEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 2013 (with Lin Legang; Fang Haiqin)

 (16) Multiple solutions of a p-Laplacian model involving a fractional derivative, ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS, 2013(with Jia Mei; Ge Weigao)

 (15) On the solvability of a fractional differential equation model involving the p-Laplacian operator, COMPUTERS &MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, 2012 (with Jia Mei; Xiang Xiufen)

 (14) Method of upper and lower solutions for fractional differential equations, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIALEQUATIONS, 2012(with Lin Legang; Fang Haiqin)

 (13) Eexistence of positive solutionsfor singular fractional differential equations with integralboundaryconditions, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OFDIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, 2012 (with Jin Jingfu; Jia Mei)

(12)A sufficient condition for the existence of a positive solution for a nonlinear fractional differential equation with the Riemann-Liouville derivative, APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS, 2012 (with YangLiu, Zhang Weiguo)

(11)Three nonnegative solutions for fractional differential equations with integral boundary conditions, COMPUTERS &MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, 2011 (with Jia Mei)

 (10) Multiple solutions of nonlocal boundary value problems for fractional differential equations on the half-line, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE THEORY OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, 2011(withJia Mei)

 (9) Multiplicity of positive solutions for four-point boundary value problems of impulsive differential equations with p-Laplacian, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS2010with Shen Li; Lu Zhenhua

 (8)Multiple solutions for fractional differential equations with nonlinear boundary conditions, COMPUTERS &MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, 2010 (with Jia Mei)

 (7) Positive solutions for singular Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems with integral boundary conditions, ELECTRONIC JOURNALOF QUALITATIVE THEORY OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, 2010(with Xiao Yu; Chen Jianming)

(6) Positive solutions to a type of nonlinear three-point boundary value problem with sign changing nonlinearities, COMPUTERS& MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, 2009 (with Li Gaoshang; Jia Mei)

(5) Existence and uniqueness of solution for fractional differential equations with integral boundary conditions, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OFQUALITATIVE THEORY OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, 2009 (with Jia Mei; Wu Baofeng)

(4) Existence and uniqueness of solutions of second-order three-point boundary value problems with upper and lower solutions in there versed order, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS, 2008 (with Li Fangfei; Jia Mei)

(3) The method of upper and lower solutions forsecond-order non-homogeneous two-point boundary-value problem, ELECTRONICJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, 2007 (with Jia Mei)

(2) Sufficient condition for existence of solutionsfor higher-order resonance boundary value problem with one-dimensional p-Laplacian, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE THEORY OF DIFFERENTIALEQUATIONS, 2007 (with Yang Liu; Shen Chunfang)

(1) Multiplicity results for second-order m-point boundary value problem, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 2006(with Yang Liu; Jia Mei)











 Email: xipingliu@usst.edu.cn


