Dr. Iulius Markovits学术报告



Application of ionic liquids in oxidation catalysis: from solvent to catalyst

报告时间:2018年11月14日 18:00-19:30


报告人:Dr. Iulius Markovits


18:00 – 19:00 Iulius Markovits博士为本科和硕士生提供化学讲座——离子液体在氧化催化剂中的应用: 从溶剂到催化剂

19:00 – 19:30 TUM Asia项目负责人提供硕士项目宣讲

Iulius Markovits completed his studies in Chemistry with specific focus on hetero- and homogeneous catalysis at Technische Universitt München in 2010. Afterwards, he worked as Research Associate for almost 4 years at the Chair for Inorganic Chemistry at Technische Universitt München, where he received his Doctoral degree in Chemistry in 2014 under the supervision of Prof. Wolfgang A. Herrmann and Prof. Fritz Kühn. The topic of his PhD thesis was "Oxidation catalysis in ionic liquids", which focused on catalyst design and characterization. Furthermore, a new mechanism for the activation of hydrogen peroxide in ionic liquids was proven, laying the foundation for further research. Since 2014 Iulius Markovits was working in Singapore as Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University followed by an additional year at TUM CREATE Ltd, where he pursuit using ionic liquids as unconventional electrolytes in rechargeable Lithium and Sodium ion batteries.
