

报告题目:An algorithm based on integrated dynamical systems for an artificial pancreas (一种基于集成动力系统的人工胰腺算法)

报告人:李嘉旭,副教授University of Louisville).博士生导师。曾在美国高科技工业领域工作十余年,历任程序分析员、工程师、资深工程师、高级工程师、资深高级工程师。期间主要从事局部半导体工艺流程中的研发工作,包括实时控制的设计开发、硅晶研磨系统的闭环控制的研究和开发,定义了多个CPU小系统之间的通讯协议并开发软件。近年来,李嘉旭教授从事人工胰脏的控制算法研究,并受到美国卫生研究院、能源部的支持对唾液腺的基因网络进行研究。发表学术论文50余篇,其中被SCI检索30余篇。



报告摘要:Multi-millions of people suffer diabetes mellitus, including type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, that is caused by the lack of, or relatively insufficient, insulin produced from pancreatic beta-cells. Exogenous insulin or its analogues must be administered in daily base to utilize and lower the chronic high glucose level, ideally, though an artificial pancreas, a medical device consisting of an insulin pump, a glucose monitoring system, and a set of closed loop control (CLC) algorithms. An effective CLC algorithm is still lacking in handling the delayed effects of insulin in delivery mechanisms, GMS and the hepatic glucose production (HGP). The timing discrepancies and dose inaccuracies often cause undesired glucose fluctuations including both hyperglycemia and dangerous hypoglycemia. We aim to formulate an integrated system, consisting of several sub dynamical system models, through which we develop and validate effective CLC algorithms for artificial pancreas with clinical data.

