

报告题目Resonant solitons and interaction solutions of integrable equations(可积方程的共振孤子及其相互作用解)



报告摘要:In this work, via bilinear forms, I consider lump wave and soliton solutions of some nonlinear evolution equaitons. As a kind of special localized waves, lump waves are rationally decaying solutions in all space directions, and they have attracted particular attention because such waves are regarded as the appropriate prototypes to model rogue wave dynamics in nonlinear science. ThenI will talk about applications of symbolic computations to resonant solitons and interaction solutions of lumps with solitons. A general computational algorithm is made by Maple.Illustrative examples will be given for the (2+1)-dimensional KP and Ito equations and two generalized (3+1)-dimensional KP equation.

报告人:马文秀教授1990年获中科院数学博士学位,1994—1996年在德国作汉堡学者,曾任英国Manchestr大学、法国Montpelier大学、加拿大British Columbia大学、美国Minnesota大学等的访问学者,97—2001年任香港城市大学教授,现任美国南佛罗里达大学数学系教授。主要从事孤立子理论、可积系统、正交多项式、符号计算等方面的研究工作,特别在孤立子理论与可积系统方面有很深的学术造诣,在国内外著名杂志上发表学术论文130多篇,编辑专著两部,并组织多次国际学术会议。
