【学术报告】Delay-induced Turing instability


Title:Delay-induced Turing instability

时 间:2015年6月2日(周二) 下午15:30-16:20

地 点:开云·电竞(中国)官方网站一楼报告厅



Time delay has been commonly used in modeling biologicalsystems and can significantly change the dynamics of such systems. Quite a fewworks have been done towards analyzing the effect of short delay on the patternformations of biological systems. In this talk, we discuss the effect of anydelay including both short and long delays, on the Turing pattern formations ofreaction-diffusion equations. Firstly, we briefly revisit the mechanism for theclassic Turing instability. Then for a general system with time delay, wepropose a technique locating the critical value of the delay, beyond whichTuring instability occurs. Finally, as a showcase we apply the technique to apredator-prey model and a gene expression model.
